THESIS 2012-2013


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Terrible People


A couple is hiking in the mountains and an argument ensues.

Setting: A couple is hiking through the mountains. You see a montage of them climbing over rocks and logs ect. A tree covers the cameras view and you now see the couple sitting together by a large oak tree. There is a long silence of cicadas and at last Ruby the female lead begins to speak.

Ruby: Aaaaaabe why did you bring me here. I don’t have time for this I have so much work to do. I have papers to grade and the oil needs to be changed in the car.

Abe: Were having an adventure Ruby look at this map (shot of map) we go from my family farm to Hobbs hardware past the old road trailer park and into the hidden trail. (Shot of tree) To this very spot, right here where I carved our names in this tree. I thought you would like it. (Shot of Tree then shot of the couple standing next to the tree) This tree represents our future outside of this town. Ive been meaning to ask you this for a long time. (gets down on his knee) Ruby Victoria Wormwood will you …..

Ruby: Yes Abe oh yes I will marry you!

Abe: Marry you? I was going to ask if you would move out west with me. My brother has a job waiting in San Francisco. (Gets up from knee)

Ruby: Move out west? That wasn’t part of our plan. What am I supposed to tell the elementary school, “I’m quitting and running away to California? That’s crazy talk. How about we just take a vacation to Disneyworld.

Abe: Disney world is in FLORIDA. I can’t take this anymore! I have no life here and this town is killing me. (CUT TO SHOT OF HIS FARM HOUSE) Nobody ever leaves Thurmont its cultural quicksand. You’re just stuck. The Moser’s have lived in Thurmont forever. We have lived on the same road for 3 generations. We have been here for so long they named the road after us. I LIVE ON MOSER ROAD AND ITS KILLING ME!

Ruby: But think about all the good times we had together. We made that monster movie and raised that baby owl into adult hood. Think about all the friends we would leave behind.

Abe: We can make new friends in California. Cool celebrities and millionaire surfer beach bums.

Ruby: I don’t want to make new friends Abe

Abe: I’ve worked to hard for this god dam it. It’s either this town or me! (Kicks tree)TREE FALLS ON ABES LEGS

Abe: Oh god my legs help, I can’t feel my legs!

Ruby: Oh no I cant handle this I cant handle this! There’s so much blood! This was not in our five-year plan!  

Abe: Quick calls an ambulance I’m loosing a lot of blood!

Ruby: I just think we are at different points in our lives right now.  

Abe:  I need help, it hurts, wait, what? , Are you breaking up with me?

Ruby: Its not just about you Abe! (Runs away and cries)

Abe: I’m loosing blood fading fast. (Dies) (Raccoon that was on his head leaves once Abe is dead.)


You see her car drive over a mountain range and the sun goes down

You see a range of trees by a black road at night.

You see her car drive past the road.

You see ruby crying in her car

You see the road and a sign that says Thurmont 2 miles

The raccoon from Abe’s head runs in front of the car

Ruby veers to the left and

You see the edge of a cliff 

Car goes over the edge

Cut to Black.



First shot test

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Script Draft

Terrible People


A couple returns to a spot in the woods to recover the money they buried in the mountains because the male character doesn't trust banks.

Setting: A couple is hiking through the mountains. You see a montage of them climbing over rocks and logs ect. A tree covers the cameras view and you now see the couple sitting together by a large oak tree. There is a long silence of cicadas and at last Abe the young man begins to speak.

Abe: Well according to the map this is the spot where we buried it. (Gets up with a shovel and moves stage left)

Ruby: I don’t understand why you don’t trust banks? They are perfectly safe in town, are you even sure its buried under this tree? We have a schedule to keep and this is so unsafe. Are you even sure we are at the right spot?

Abe: Ruby look at this map (shot of map) we go from my family farm to Hobbs hardware past the old road trailer park and into the hidden trail. (Shot of tree) I buried my life savings under the tree with our initials. (Grunting sound as he lifts a large sack of money with the shovel). I can’t wait to get out of here and move out west.

Ruby: Move out west? That wasn’t part of our plan. I made a five-year plan and you said you would marry me? I have a life here; I want our kids to have a life here. What am I supposed to tell the elementary school, “I’m quitting and running away to California?” I can’t abandon my students.  I love you but this is ridiculous we can wait till the summer when school is over to talk about this. How about we just take a vacation to Disneyland.

Abe: (Abe stops digging) We have been over this Ruby. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? I have no life here and this town is killing me. (CUT TO SHOT OF HIS FARM HOUSE) Nobody ever leaves Thurmont its cultural quicksand. You’re just stuck. The Moser’s have lived in Thurmont forever. we have lived on the same road for 3 generations. We have been here for so long they named the road after us. I LIVE ON MOSER ROAD AND ITS KILLING ME!

Ruby: But think about all the good times we had together. We made that monster movie and raised that baby owl into adult hood. Think about all the friends we would leave behind.

Abe: We can make new friends in California. Cool celebrities and millionaire surfer beach bums.

Ruby: I don’t want to make new friends Abe! This is too much change and I don’t like it. I

Abe: I’ve worked to hard for this god dam it. It’s either this town or me!(slams down shovel and breaks branch.

Abe: Oh god my legs help, I can’t feel my legs!

Ruby: Oh no I cant handle this I cant handle this! There’s so much blood! This was not in the five-year plan!  

Abe: Quick calls an ambulance I’m loosing a lot of blood!

Ruby: I just think we are at different points in our lives right now.  

Abe:  I need help, it hurts, wait, what? , are you breaking up with me?

Ruby: Its not just about you Abe! (Runs away and cries)

Abe: I’m loosing blood fading fast. (Dies) (Raccoon that was on his head takes the bag of money and leaves while Abe is dead.)


You see her car drive over a mountain range and the sun goes down

You see a range of trees by a black road at night.

You see her car drive past the road.

You see ruby crying in her car

You see the road and a sign that says Thurmont 2 miles

The raccoon with the money runs in front of the car

Ruby veers to the left and

You see the edge of a cliff 

Car goes over the edge

Cut to Black.



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Script

I decided to go in a new direction with my script. Here is script part 2.

Terrible People


A Bank robbing couple return to a spot in the woods to recover the money they buried in the mountains.

Setting: A couple is hiking through the mountains. You see a montage of them climbing over rocks and logs ect. A tree covers the cameras view and you now see the couple sitting together by a large oak tree. There is a long silence of cicadas and at last Abe the young man begins to speak.

Abe: It’s been twelve months, Two weeks, and three days. (Pregnant Pause) I’ve waited a long time.

Ruby: The heart is still carved in the tree. I was so happy that day when we made a promise to wait. You’ve been very patient and I love you.

Abe:  I just can’t wait to get at it and touch it! I can barely remember what it smells like. I lie awake at night in a cold sweat just thinking about it. I cant take it anymore let me at it! (Abe gets up and walks over to the tree. He has a shovel now and starts to dig. )

Ruby: West is really far away babe. Why cant we just stay here? We grew up here, we know everybody and everybody knows us.

Abe: (Abe stops digging) We have been over this Ruby. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? Everybody knows who we are. I grew up on Moser road in the same house that my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather lived in. My whole family lives on that road they decided to name it after us. Nobody ever leaves this town it’s a curse, It’s a family curse. It’s not going to happen to me, I will make damn sure of that.

Ruby: But think about all the good times we had together. We made that monster movie and raised that baby owl into adult hood. Think about all the friends we would leave behind.

Abe: We can make new friends in California. Cool celebrities and millionaire surfer beach bums.

Ruby: I don’t want to make new friends Abe! I just want to live here where I feel safe.

Abe: But were not safe Ruby. You know what we did and they will come looking for us. That money is our ticket out of here before it’s too late!  (Abe Slams the shovel down on the ground and it causes a root to break and causes the tree to fall on Abe’s legs. The tree is shown falling in a wide shot but the falling on legs is in close up.) 
Abe: Oh god my legs help, I can’t feel my legs!

Ruby: Oh no I cant handle this I cant handle this!

Abe: Quick calls an ambulance I’m loosing a lot of blood!

Ruby: I just think we are at different points in our lives right now.  

Abe:  I need help, it hurts, wait, are you breaking up with me?

Ruby: Its not just about you Abe! (Runs away and cries)

Abe: I’m loosing blood fading fast. (Dies)


Ruby is driving a car and crying. She stops crying for a second and looks down. The next scene you see that her breaks don’t work and she drives off of a cliff.

Cut to Black.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Voice Recordings Long and Short

My friend Mike told me that it would be a good idea to record myself pitching my thesis to get an idea of the timing and energy. Below is the long version and the short version. I will take the long one and make it into an animatic.



Week 01
August 31 2012
  • One Week film bootcamp: “End of the World”
  • 15  to 30 seconds film, group project or individual.-- in reachable distance.
  • announcement; Lorraine’s screenwriting workshop for week-end of September 7th and 8th.

Week 02
Sept 5

Now class meets at 9:00 on Wednesday morning
  • Review “End of the World” animation
  • making 4 teams with a main contact.
  • talk about the emotional states of doing a film.
  • write a note to your future self
  • checking with students who are ahead of schedule.
Friday-sat  sept7 /8
  • Loraine screenwriting workshop
  • students projects presentation.

Week 03
Sept 12
  • Pitch your script presentation by Max: Commercial pitches  (styleframes, motion-tests, agency briefs), television pitches (bibles), Feature treatments, pitches for film funding
Sept 13
  • Screening :
  • Student showcase from around the world: Gobelins, La Poudriere, Royal College of Arts, Cal Arts, SVA, Animation Workshop Denmark, Tokyo University of the     Arts (thursday evening)
Week 04
  • alternative animation pratices.  “story corp” documentary
  • In class work session.
Week 05
Sept 26
  • BR320
  • Thesis pitch
Sept 27  
  • Main 110:
  • Thesis pitch
Week 06
Oct 3
  • Production binders
  • Fundraising for productions
  • Different production models
  • Pre-production schedule
    Week 07
    • Greg Sextro sound presentation and workshop
    Week 08
    • In Class work session

    Week 09
    • MICA Alum: Vicka Tsoy (?)
    • *Max at Arts and Culture in Digital Age in North Dakota

    Week 10
    Oct 31

    • BR320
    • Critique : story reviewed, Animatic set designs, concept art
    Nov 1st
    • Main 110
    • Critique : story reviewed, Animatic set designs, concept art
    • Bill Plympton Presentation and film screening
    Week 12

    • motion tests in Falvey hall and show examples of other senior thesis.
    • show a finished scene.
    • production schedule

    Thanksgiving break
    Week 13
    • Studio Tour in NY
    Week 14
    December 5
    • In Class work session

    Week 15
    Dec 12

    • Thesis presentation: animatic w/ scratch sound, one finished scene, character sheets, concept art

    Dec 13

    • Thesis presentation: animatic w/ scratch sound, one finished scene, character sheets, concept art


    I am a huge fan of video copilot. Here are some video tutorials I am going to try out tonight. I will let you know how it goes and post later tomorrow.

    So Sleepy

    So I am a bit sleepy this morning. I am writing before I head to thesis class at nine. I just want to post what my goals are for today.

    1. Talk to John in the video cage about getting training on a sound booth. 
    2. Get trained on a sound booth. 
    3. Record myself reading my script to get the pacing perfect. 
    4. Work on storyboards to be finished in the ruff by next wed. I would also like to have a draft of my character sheet. Finished mappings of the character layouts so I can green screen the characters.
    5. Find a metal box. 
    6. Make an appt with the career center.  

    I want to keep posting my goals every wed that way I know where Im standing I will post the schedule for the class later today.

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    I printed out my class production schedule today and I will take a photo of it later today. I'm seriously thinking of getting a smart phone to help document my process.

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    Music Im thinking of using

    Here is a sample of the song fireball by spoonboy I want to make for the intro of the song

    it holds a lot of power and connection to my adolescence 

    Screen Writers master class talk back

    Had the last day of my Thesis screen writers workshop and it was really a great experience. Half the class showed up but it made it an intimate experience. I will post my notes from the class later tonight or tomorrow night and I will also post my syllabus. I feel that I have the bones of my thesis but the meat needs to be built up a bit. I really liked my friend mikes comment of  recording myself reading my treatment. The pacing of my thesis is very important. It starts out really slow and builds into a frenzy at the end. I really liked my teachers comment that the last shot when the car runs off the cliff needs to be really epic and beautiful with the starts and the moon. Also my magnet sheets came in today I cant wait to make some fun test pieces. I will take photos of the process this week and post in detail! Take care and stay tuned I will have a ton to post soon.

    Friday, September 7, 2012

    What Im making my characters out of and more!

    I am making this a stop motion film. My character's will be flat cutouts. I am designing the characters in adobe Photoshop and printing them out on magnet sheets. Then having the characters cut out with my schools laser cutter. Below is a link to the printable magnet sheets I am ordering to run some tests. I am very excited to have some fun and see the quality of these magnet sheets.

    Below is my story treatment rough

    Story Treatment for Thesis

    Working Title: TERRIBLE PEOPLE
    Created by: Grant Lindahl

    1.     A couple is hiking in the mountains.
    2.     The man tells the woman that he is moving tomorrow and he plans to leave this one horse town forever.
    3.     The woman’s life is here. She grew up here she says she doesn’t want to leave.
    4.     She feels guilty and decides to leave with him.
    5.     The Man climbs a tree that reminds him of his childhood.
    6.     The Woman says “Get down from there”

    Rising Action

    7.     The man falls from the tree on to his back.
    8.     The tree then tips over and falls on his legs.
    9.     The woman runs over and screams “Oh no I cant handle this I cant handle this.”
    10. The man screams ”Quick call 911 I cant feel my legs”
    11. The woman seems to not hear him and says “ I just think we are at different points in our lives right now”
    12. The man says “ Im loosing blood…. Wait, are you breaking up with me?”
    13. Woman says “ Its not always about you Abe!”


    14. Guy moans “I’m loosing blood, I feel faint, kajflkjdaf (dies)
    15.   Woman runs away crying.


    16. You see a car driving at night on the highway
    17. The Woman is driving the car; her cell phone begins to ring.
    18. Girl on phone “ Hey mom yeah I broke up with Abe, yeah its for the best.
    19. Girl looks down at her floor and looks up with panic. She screams “Oh no my breaks aren’t working”
    20. The car drives off of a cliff with her in it screaming.
    21. Cut to black. (END)

    Lots of crap that I have not yet posted.

    I have been posting a ton of stuff all at once but this is a new blog and I might as well get it up on the blog before I get burried with more work. So below are all of my notes and sketches that I could find. I plan to make some note card storyboards and I will post those soon I will also post my treatment by Tuesday if not earlier. Well here I go below are some of my notes and stuff.... 

    This is the facial layout for stop motion character Abe I want to print his design on a magnet and cut the magnet out. These will be flat stopmotion characters shot on a green screen and then composite in after effects.

    This is the rough of the female character Ruby's layout. 

    My first ever sketches for the characters in terrible people. There are only two , Ruby and Abe.

    Body sketches, Abe is very tall and Ruby is short.

    Front rough sketch of ruby

    My second storyboard attempt part 1

    My second storyboard attempt part 2

    Here are some notes from my screen writing class

    rough layout for a conversation in terrible people
    Today I had a screen writers masters class. This class is about understanding basic concepts of screenwriting. One of the things that I thought was interesting was the concept of understanding plot points and organization in a script. I am excited to develop my script and record soon. I will hopefully have my sister and my friend Randy cast as the voices for my film.  Below are some of my first attempts at story boarding. I should have a pretty standard storyboard by the middle of October. I want to have a finished script in two weeks.

    This was my first ever sketch for my film Terrible People. I was originally going to have the characters look like this but they have progressed and changed a little over time.



    This is my first post for this blog. I have a bad habit of creating blogs and never finishing them. I am using this web presence to help document my senior thesis. I encourage comments on my work as I post and progress through the next nine months. This will be an exciting journey of self discovery and passion. I will post drafts, storyboards, recording sessions, and scripts. I am excited to see how this comes out.